To stay on top of today's increasingly regulated and competitive marketplace of architectural lighting design, you must focus on service beyond customer service. This may sound like an odd thing to say if you are a contractor who takes pride in exceeding client expectations and relies on customer service to win bids. Hear us out for a moment and consider this point of view as well: your service alone to the client will end when the system is finished, and the client will probably hope that you will not have to return with a labor invoice for additional service fees for maintenance and replacements. The type of service they are looking for comes not so much from you (although courtesy and professionalism are always a given in business), but rather equipment and solutions that serve them every evening when the doors close and the lights come on.
A system developed along these principles of architectural lighting design is something of an intuitive beast that anticipates expectations on two levels. On one level, it reliably performs without mishap on a consistent basis in accordance with how it is intended to perform. On an entirely different level, superior architectural lighting design anticipates increasingly strict government regulations that increasingly mandate more green technology both in terms of power costs and material builds associated with equipment manufacture.
To be a leader in architectural lighting design, you have to think ahead, and you have to install equipment that in spite of its lack of "thinking" ability, behaves as though it can think and satisfies both the client and surrounding community with performance above and beyond what is generally expected.
To create this level of excellence, you must take either take extraordinary measures to design an architectural lighting system or work with an exceptional vendor who can offer you some unique and very proprietary support services. Architectural lighting design on the scale that we are talking about requires investing in very expensive software that many smaller companies and freelance contractors simply cannot afford, but desperately require nonetheless to develop site lighting and exterior lighting proposals that simultaneously speak to cost consciousness, governing authorities, employee morale, branding and advertising, and power conservation. Without tools such as this to work out all the math and angles of incidence necessary to determine wattage, voltage, foot candle densities, required LPW, and CRI index, finding the right industrial lighting fixtures for the system at a price your clients can afford and still make you a profit can be like searching for a needle in a haystack in today's online marketplace of foreign manufactured goods, inflated promises, and endless discount offers on shortcut engineering that costs more money in the long run that it saves in the short term.
Consider instead the benefits of working with a vendor like us who has already spent the money on architectural lighting design software so you won't have to, and who will offer its full functionality to any client at no additional costs to the price of the equipment you buy. If you are a small, privately owned business, you can now compete with large architectural firms and lighting designer powerhouses that previously outcompeted because they had access to resources you lacked. If you are a larger company considering purchasing a suite of programs that will then requiring expanding your staff in a time of cutbacks and recession, don't. Let our staff assist you with the process of turning conceptual, intuitive architectural lighting design into a scientific, mathematically sound schematic of the actual hardware to be used and the recommended positions of every fixture and lamp in the system.
Not only will such a partnership save you time by streamlining the proposal development process, but it will also make your line items more precisely targeted toward the long term objectives of energy code compliance, reduced maintenance and replacement costs, light pollution control, and optimal aesthetic compliments that any client can justifiably and reasonably expect from their investment in architectural lights. When all of these variables are correctly factored into the lighting design equation, the outcome promises reliable service, a compliment to operations and aesthetics, and multiple sources of ROI ranging from savings on power bills to an increase in business resulting from a safer work environment and a more attractive face to the business world.
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