As humans gained mastery over various elements, they started building better houses with improved interiors. Once they had succeeded in achieving a satisfying comfort level in their interiors, our architect ancestors started paying attention to beautifying them. This led to the creation of various styles of architectural interior design.
Architectural interior designing first got recognition during the Roman and Gothic ages. Since then it has explored a variety of styles across different ages. The concepts of architectural interior designing have been seen to be influenced by prevailing economic and social conditions. For example, the economic crisis that resulted from World War II played a defining role in making the architectural interior designing of that era quite plain and simple. Architectural interior designing reflects its times, the World War bought misery and financial difficulties to the masses. Consequently some people at that time did not care about the beauty of their interiors or could not afford to beautify their homes. Similarly other significant periods in the history of mankind have been associated with unique styles of architectural interior designing.
Some of the most historically significant forms of architectural interior designing are –
- Gothic (13th-century)
- Baroque (17th century)
- Georgian (18th century)
- Classical and Gothic revival (19th century)
- Modernistic art (20th century)
Modern Architectural Designs:
Unlike their ancient predecessors who worked with rocks and metals like iron, modern architects use concrete and steel to create marvelous interiors.
Architecture goes green:
A concept of architectural interior designing that has become very popular among present-day architects is that that of a green home. Green homes are built using materials and methods that are friendly to the environment. Much of the materials used in the construction of such homes are environment-friendly, and can be re-cycled. This is very important, because with the threat of global warming looming large over us, we need to do everything that can be done to prevent further damages to our environment.
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